A huge number of individuals all over the planet live with serious illnesses that cause early passing and handicap and put a gigantic weight on medical services frameworks. At Novartis, we are devoted to finding and growing new therapies for sicknesses including malignant growth, coronary illness and neurological circumstances - and conveying them at scale to reach however many patients as could reasonably be expected.

What are remedial regions?Remedial Regions

Cardiology.  Dermatology.  Gastroenterology.  Digestion and    Endocrinology.

Nervous system science.  Oncology.  Ophthalmology.

Muscular health.Helpful.   Regions by Sickness Region

Immune system. Psoriasis. Rheumatoid Joint inflammation. Cardiovascular. Cardiovascular. Cardiovascular breakdown. QT Studies. ...

Irresistible. Coronavirus. Ebola. Hepatitis C. HIV. Flu. Intestinal sickness. ...

Oncology. Bosom Malignant growth. Colorectal Malignant growth. Cellular breakdown in the lungs. Pancreatic Malignant growth. Prostate Malignant growth. Other.


Cardiovascular infection (CVD), which incorporates persistent circumstances influencing the heart and veins, for example, cardiovascular breakdown, coronary episodes and strokes, is the world's driving reason for death and one of society's greatest wellbeing concerns.


Hematology includes both threatening tumors and non-harmful issues of the endlessly blood parts, like platelets and bone marrow cells. There are various reasons for these diseases and issues, and anticipation can fluctuate essentially among the various sicknesses.


Immunology covers a wide range of conditions, including persistent skin illnesses like psoriasis and hidradenitis suppurativa. Immune system conditions alone, which structure a little piece of immunological sicknesses, influence an expected 4.5% of the total populace and their pervasiveness is expanding.


Around 2 million individuals overall experience the ill effects of various sclerosis (MS), an immune system sickness that is the most widely recognized reason for neurological handicap irrelevant to injury in individuals under 40 years old.

Strong cancers

Disease is the subsequent driving reason for death around the world. The World Wellbeing Association (WHO) gauges there will be half more new malignant growth cases in 2040 than there are today. At Novartis, we're focused on unwinding the inward operations of disease. We're growing new treatments for a scope of normal and uncommon malignant growths, putting resources into different innovation stages and exploring different avenues regarding blend draws near.

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